On Broadway

A trio of war-tested AP journalists, led by Washington counterintelligence reporter Kim Dozier, offered their personal tales of working in the heat of combat during an onstage discussion after the Jan. 18 performance of Broadway’s “TIME STANDS STILL.” The Pulitzer Prize-winning drama is about a photojournalist — played by Laura Linney, now home wounded from her last assignment, in Iraq – and addresses thorny questions about the role of journalists when confronting misery up close in pursuit of news. In addition to Linney, “TIME STANDS STILL” stars Brian d’Arcy James, Eric Bogosian and Christina Ricci.

 Listen to the audio here.


10K in Honor of Cami McCormick

CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier, seriously injured in Iraq in 2006, is once again running the Team Fisher House 10K as part of the Marine Corps Marathon later this month. And this year, she’s doing it in honor of CBS Radio News correspondent Cami McCormick, herself injured in Afghanistan in August. Fisher House is a place for families of injured troops to stay while their loved ones recover. Dozier’s family stayed there when she was injured. McCormick’s family is there now. 97.5 cents of every dollar donated to Fisher House goes directly toward program expenses. It’s regarded as one of the most efficiently run charities. According to Dozier’s donation page CBS Corp. CEO Les Moonves and Julie Chen have donated an “eye-popping” $5,000. Click here if you’d like to help. http://www.active.com/donate/FisherHouse2009MCM/KDozier2. The race is Sunday, Oct. 25. Dozier is the pre-race pasta dinner speaker the night before.